Loan Products

Such loans are meant to be distributed to clients who is solely responsible for its repayment.

These types of loans are requested by clients of Solidarity Group (SG) members engaged in agri-business. Who agree to secure either individual or joint guarantee to the loan. It is provided to clients engaged in agriculture related trading activities, Agri-processing, cattle fattening, irrigation activities…

Business Loan is given to micro enterprise operators that are engaged in production, service or commercial type business activities that generate regular cash flow.

This type of loan is provided to small holder farmers for seasonal agricultural activities and animal husbandry that do not have frequent cash flow. The loans are provide to clients organized in CB/ SG.

This loan product is designed to meet the interest of individuals engaged in small business, farmers and employees that desire to improve their livelihood and that of their children.

Water loan is provided for the purchase of water filters and water tankers. water loan is also provided for the construction, development , rehabilitation and maintenance of water sources (Boreholes, hand dug wells , shallow wells, springs and rain water harvest facilities). water loan is also provided for cost associated with house hold water connection. The Loan is provided for both individual and group customers.  

Sanitation loan is provided for the construction and maintenance of improved latrine facilities, construction of septic tanks, pit latrine, sewer line extension and fecal sludge management associated costs and liquid and solid waste management associated cost. Hygiene loan is provided for the purchase of hand washing facilities bathing facilities purchase of refrigerator (Food hygiene), purchase of dish washing machines and purchase of cloth washing machines .The loan is provided both for individual and group customers.

This loan product is to provide a solar  devices to rural and urban clients.

It is a loan product that targets providing improved cook stove devices for our clients.

This is a loan product that targets Small and Medium Enterprises.

This is a loan product that target School development.

This is a loan product that targets women who need finance to further improve their existing business.


VisionFund MFI

Vision Fund Micro Finance Institution (S.C) previously known as Wisdom Microfinance  is an Institution established  to provide financial services to the productive poor in the rural and urban areas of Ethiopia.